When should you Wear a Peacoat? | Overcoat USA

The peacoat stands as a popular piece of outerwear that has transcended its naval origins to become a staple in the modern wardrobe. Known for its double-breasted front, broad lapels, and sturdy construction, the peacoat combines elegance with practicality, making it a favored choice for chilly weather across the globe. 

Originally worn by sailors in the 18th century, this double-breasted wool coat has transcended its maritime roots to become a staple in contemporary wardrobes. 

A peacoat is a double-breasted coat made from heavy wool, typically featuring wide lapels, large buttons, and a tailored fit. Originating from naval uniforms, this iconic garment was originally designed to provide warmth and protection to sailors braving the harsh conditions at sea. Today, the peacoat has evolved into a versatile outerwear piece that exudes sophistication and style. Available in various lengths, colors, and fabric compositions, modern peacoats offer a contemporary twist on this classic silhouette, making them suitable for a wide range of occasions and style preferences.

In this guide, we'll discuss when to wear a peacoat, the versatility it offers in terms of styling, and its functionality in various weather conditions.

Are Peacoats Good for Cold Weather?

Absolutely. The peacoat's design is inherently suited for combating cold weather. Traditionally crafted from heavy wool, peacoats offer substantial warmth and protection against the cold, making them an ideal choice for the fall and winter months. The dense fabric not only traps heat but also serves as a windbreak, shielding you from chilly breezes. Furthermore, the double-breasted layout provides an extra layer of fabric across the chest, enhancing warmth.

When temperatures plummet, the peacoat's substantial length and structure make it capable of retaining body heat, ensuring comfort and warmth in cold conditions. Its versatility also allows for layering underneath, so you can adjust according to the severity of the weather, much like you would with an overcoat or a long coat.

What Do You Wear Under a Peacoat?

Layering is key when it comes to maximizing the warmth and versatility of a peacoat. What you wear underneath can range from a simple t-shirt for milder days to a chunky sweater or a layered combination of a shirt and woolen vest for colder times. The beauty of a peacoat is its ability to adapt to varying levels of layering without compromising on style.

For a smart-casual look, consider wearing a collared shirt under a thin sweater or cardigan, topped with your peacoat. This arrangement not only keeps you warm but also ensures you look put together once the coat comes off. For everyday wear, a comfortable crew neck or V-neck sweater paired with denim jeans offers a classic look. On the coldest days, thermal undergarments can provide an invisible layer of extra insulation beneath your ensemble.

How Do You Wear a Peacoat in the Winter?

Wearing a peacoat in the winter balances warmth, comfort, and style. Start with a base layer of thermal underwear if the temperature demands it, followed by a middle layer such as a heavy sweater or a fleece jacket. The peacoat is the outermost layer, protecting you from the cold and adding an element of style to your winter ensemble, much like you would wear a long coat or a fur coat.

Accessorize with scarves, hats, and gloves to protect exposed areas like your neck, head, and hands. A peacoat's lapel is perfectly designed to accommodate a scarf, enhancing warmth and adding a pop of color or pattern to your outfit. Opt for wool or cashmere accessories for the best blend of warmth and style.

Footwear should also be considered; boots are a practical and stylish complement to the peacoat, offering protection from snow and slush while maintaining the overall aesthetic. Leather or waterproof boots can provide functionality and fashion, rounding off the winter look.

Read on to find out more about 10 Ways to Wear an Overcoat.

What Makes a Peacoat Warm?

The warmth of a peacoat can be attributed to several factors, primarily its material and construction. Traditionally made from heavy wool, peacoats harness the natural insulating properties of wool fibers to retain heat. The fabric's thickness and the tightness of the weave also play a crucial role in its ability to block wind and withstand cold temperatures.

The design of the peacoat itself contributes to its warmth. The double-breasted front not only adds to the garment's aesthetic appeal but also offers an extra layer of fabric across the chest, doubling the barrier against cold air. High collars that can be buttoned up provide warmth around the neck, an area often exposed to the cold.

Additionally, many modern peacoats are lined with insulating materials, adding an extra layer of warmth without significantly increasing bulk. This combination of material, design, and construction makes the peacoat a reliable outerwear choice for cold weather.

Is it OK to Wear a Peacoat in the Rain?

Peacoats can withstand light rain due to the natural water-resistant properties of wool, but they are not waterproof. Wool can absorb a significant amount of its weight in water without feeling wet, offering some protection in drizzles. However, in heavier rain, a wool peacoat can become saturated, making it heavy and less insulating.

If you anticipate being out in the rain, it's wise to treat your peacoat with a water-repellent spray designed for wool fabrics. This treatment can enhance the coat's resistance to water, helping to keep you dry in unexpected showers. Alternatively, consider wearing a waterproof layer over your peacoat in heavy rain, or opt for a peacoat made from water-resistant materials if you frequently find yourself in wet weather.

Final words

Peacoats are a versatile and stylish option for cold weather, offering warmth, comfort, and protection against the elements. For chilly winter days, a peacoat can be your go-to piece of outerwear, blending classic style with practical warmth.

Peacoats are a versatile and stylish option for cold weather, offering warmth, comfort, and protection against the elements, much like cashmere coats, fur coats, overcoats, trench coats, outercoats, and long coats. For chilly winter days, a peacoat can be your go-to piece of outerwear, blending classic style with practical warmth.